11/25/2014 Newsletter


  • MN Solidarity Actions: Demand Justice in Ferguson and Beyond
  • St. Paul Principles

MN Solidarity Actions: Demand Justice in Ferguson and Beyond

After the August 9 murder of Michael Brown by Ferguson, MO cop Darren Wilson, city leaders have been looking for a way to give Wilson a free pass. They did it with a grand jury, an utterly corrupt process controlled by the prosecutor.

The community needs to let it be known that we DO NOT ACCEPT the results of a phony process and that WE DEMAND JUSTICE!

Student Rally to Demand Justice for Victims of Police Brutality
3:00 pm
University of Minnesota
Coffman Union

Students will come together to speak out against police brutality and demand accountability and then take the light rail together to the Minneapolis solidarity action.

Minneapolis Solidarity Action Rally and March
Starting 4:30 pm
Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct
Lake Street & Minnehaha Ave

Join the community for a rally and march to demand justice in Ferguson and beyond.

Sponsored by Communities United Against Police Brutality, Students United Against Police Brutality, TC Save the Kids, Asamblea de Derechos Civiles, Women Against Military Madness, AntiWar Committee, Welfare Rights Committee, Socialist Alternative, STK Radio, Augsburg College STK, Institute for Critical Animal Studies, OccupyMN, Academy for Peace Education, Outdoor Empowerment, Wisdom Behind the Walls, Poetry Behind the Walls, Duluth STK, Arissa Media Group, Vigilant Promotions, MN Hip Hop Coalition, Support VIPS, Progress Foundation, Prosaic Minds Movement, POPULAR (Power Over Poverty Under Laws of America Restored), Drum Majors for Truth, OAK (Organizations Associating for the Kind of Change America Really Needs), Total Liberation Radio, NotYourMascot MN, Idle No More-TC, Stop Racial Profiling, Northwoods Revolution: Minnesota Ogichidaag Light Brigade, National Forum on Judicial Accountability, Crimes of the Century Radio, Idle No More Duluth, Marxist Student Association (UMN), American Indian Student Cultural Center (UMN),  MPIRG (UMN), Amnesty International (UMN), Students for a Democratic Society (UMN), Black Student Union (UMN), and others.

Our solidarity event will be based on the St. Paul Principles.  That is, we expect to create a safe space and time for people to be able to have their voices and outrage heard.  We will ask everyone present to recognize that others in attendance may be undocumented, may be facing pending charges or may  otherwise be in positions where they cannot take risks of encounters with law enforcement, and for all of us to conduct ourselves accordingly.

The St. Paul Principles were written in preparation for protests against the Republican National Convention in 2008.  Nearly every group signed on and this worked well to prevent media and police from setting up the usual "good protester/bad protester" dynamic that is so common and that is being played out in Ferguson even now.

St. Paul Principles:

1. Our solidarity will be based on respect for a diversity of tactics and the plans of other groups.

2. The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain a separation of time or space.

3. Any debates or criticisms will stay internal to the movement, avoiding any public or media denunciations of fellow activists and events.

4. We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption and violence. We agree not to assist law enforcement actions against activists and others.

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