- Campaign for Police Professional Liability Insurance
- Hip Hop Against Brutal Cops Fundraising Concert
- A Beautiful Send Off--Tribute Event for Darryl Robinson
Professional, Responsible, Insured!
Campaign for Police Professional Liability Insurance
Our campaign to get a charter amendment on the ballot to require Minneapolis police to carry their own professional liability insurance is really taking off. During the recent city council and mayoral election, candidates were confronted by the community on their position on police accountability and this specific measure. People from all over the country are watching Minneapolis as a model for similar campaigns in their own communities.
While we are making great progress, we need YOU to get involved. Two great opportunities:
Sunday, April 6, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Honey, 205 E Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis
Performances by GUANTE, SEE MORE PERSPECTIVE, and more!
Show is 18+, Suggested donation: $10
Tired of police brutality? Come out to support our campaign to require police officer liability insurance in Minneapolis by coming to our fundraising concert!
The Committee for Professional Policing, our political committee that is promoting the charter amendment, is hiring canvassers to collect the 10,000+ signatures of Minneapolis registered voters needed to get this measure on the ballot.
Successful candidates enjoy educating people about this important social justice issue and are reliable and somewhat detail oriented. Hours are flexible but involve some evenings and weekends. Pay is 50¢ per signature of Minneapolis registered voters and we will provide you with training and all materials as well as information on locations and events where you can be successful. We will also pay bonuses for meeting certain goals.
We especially need people to help with the Mayday parade and festival. If you would like to get paid or volunteer to help curb police brutality, contact Eric at 612-715-8784.
A Beautiful Send Off
Tribute Event for Darryl M. Robinson
Thank you to the many, many people who attended last Sunday's tribute event to remember the amazing life and contributions of Darryl Robinson, who passed away suddenly on March 8. Many people took the opportunity to remember Darryl and to speak about the way he touched their lives. We shared a wonderful meal of Darryl's favorite foods. During the speaking portion, a whiteboard that was on the wall suddenly fell to the ground, causing many to comment that Darryl was making his presence known. Most poignant were the comments by Fong Lee's mother, who thanked Darryl for all he did for the family and who said she believes Darryl is now with Fong Lee.
Representatives of many organizations came to pay tribute including our friends with Asamblea de Derechos Civiles, National Lawyers Guild, Anti-War Committee, Welfare Rights Committee, Occupy and more. Darryl would really appreciate this coming together, as he understood that the issues all of these groups address are forms of oppression that are interconnected. Darryl hated and actively worked against oppression.
We began a fund in Darryl's name to support copwatch and Know Your Rights education and to provide a scholarship to a service learning student and we are deeply appreciative of the generous donations that were made to this fund. If you would like to contribute this fund, please go to our website at and click DONATE through our Paypal account. Enter Darryl in the note. You can also donate by sending a check to CUAPB, 4200 Cedar Ave #5, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
Darryl spent his last days being what he called himself—a freedom fighter: speaking out at a city council meeting, talking with University of Minnesota students with Students United Against Police Brutality and copwatching on Lake Street the night he died. Darryl's example inspires us to recommit to our goal of social justice for all. Thank you for joining us to remember a life well-lived, even as it ended way too soon.