5/29/2009 Newsletter


  • Emergency Rally: Justice for Fong Lee
  • Appeal in "False Reporting" Lawsuit


Tomorrow (Saturday, May 30)
4:00 p.m.
Lao Family Alliance
320 University Ave W, St. Paul

As you have probably heard by now, the all-white, rural jury in the Fong Lee civil case simply refused to recognize that police kill unarmed people and engage in illegal coverups.  Therefore, they ruled against justice for Fong Lee's family.  The family is, of course, devastated.  We'll be writing a comprehensive analysis of this ruling after we've had more of a chance to cull through our extensive notes from the trial.

Coalition for Community Relations, the Hmong community organization that has been at the center of most organizing around the Fong Lee case has called for an emergency rally to demand justice for Fong Lee and for so many others who have been the victims of police brutality and misconduct.  CUAPB endorses and supports this rally.  We realize this is not much notice but in situations of great outrage, we have to be ready to respond quickly.  If at all possible, please rearrange your schedule to make it to this event.

Thank you for standing up for justice for the family of Fong Lee and for standing with the community.


June 10
8:30 a.m. (arrive early to get through security)
Federal Courthouse
316 N Robert St, St. Paul

Please mark your calendars to help us fill up the courtroom for our appeal in the "false reporting" case.  This is our lawsuit against the state of Minnesota to overturn the so-called false reporting law that makes it a crime to report police brutality you can't prove.  The only two people who have been prosecuted under this law (so far) were both sexually assaulted by cops--and had plenty of evidence of the assault.  The intent and effect of this terrible law is to chill complaints about police.  We had to bring this suit and we need to continue to push to overturn this terrible law.  We hope you’ll join us in court to help get rid of this oppressive law.

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