10/30/2009 Newsletter
- Stolen Lives Ceremony and Dinner
- Worst Chief Ever: Rybak Pushes Dolan for Another Term
- Cops Lie, Tapes Don't
10/21/2009 Newsletter
- Suite of Events to Mark O22 National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality
- Protest Against Police Brutality
- Copwatch Training and Practice
- Stolen Lives Ceremony and Dinner
- Taser International Finally Admits the Truth (Well, Kind of)
- Death after 49 Second Taser Shock, and No Discipline
10/1/2009 Newsletter
- Copwatchers Urgently Needed
- Defend Anti-Racist Organizing
- Fundraiser for Fong Lee Family
- Up in Arms: A Night of Hip Hop and Spoken Word to Honor Fong Lee and End Police Brutality
9/23/2009 Newsletter
- Copwatch Training
- Courtwatch: RNC 8 Defendant Max Specktor
- RNC 8 Waffle Dinner
- Gaertner: Drop the Charges or We'll Drop Your Campaign for Governor
- Two Events for Justice for Fong Lee
- Rally and Court Solidarity for the RNC 8
- Suite of Events for October 22
9/8/2009 Newsletter
- Krazy Kop Kapers
- State Pulls Plug on Metro Gang Strike Task Force--The Implosion Begins 5/20
- How Dare You Sue the Cops!--Retaliatory Traffic Stop 6/20
- Derryl Jenkins Footage Hits the Airwaves 8/15
- Half a Mill for Eldridge Chatman 8/28
- Gang Strike Task Force Member Files Whistleblower Suit 8/31
- Drunken Softball Debauchery 8/31
- Nicholas Kastner Footage Hits the Airwaves 9/4
- How much does all of this cost, and what can we do about it?
- Look What Happens When We Don't Reign In the Cops
- Courtwatch for Max Specktor
- Rescheduled Hearing for RNC 8
- RNC Tactics Weren't New: The Case of the Biodevastation 7
7/5/2009 Newsletter
- Rally: Justice for Brandon Rodriguez
- CRA to Hold Meeting on Taser Policy
- CUAPB Statement on CAIR Distribution of Know Your Rights Materials
- Video by Lawyer on Why Not to Ever Talk to Cops Without a Lawyer
- SCOTUS: One Bad, Two Good Decisions on Rights
- A Good Joke Makes the Point
6/9/2009 Newsletter
- Federal Appeals Court Hearing: False Reporting Law
- Help with our Booth at Juneteeth
- Public Hearing on Brutality and Misconduct by Minneapolis Police
- TruthToTell Three-Part Radio Series: Cop Culture - Fear and Loathing in the Streets
- Manifest Injustice: The Fong Lee Cases
- Probing Bias Behind The Badge
- Never, Never, Never, Never Give Up Your Rights
- Ruling Allowing Taser Use to Get DNA May Be Nation's First
- Racism Even Applies to Cop on Cop Violence